Procurement and the supply chain in general are of indispensable significance in an attempt to deliver value for money. It is aimed at those learners in a business environment who have a preference to work within the purchasing and stores sector
Business Administration
The program produces students who shall be involved in various aspects of managing scare resources in a business entity and supporting a busiess ny production/plnning, decision making and implementation.
Banking and Finance
Banking, Finance and Accounting are always at the center of any business operation. The program is design with the aim of training practitioners in the line of banking, finance and accounting.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The program covers the basic paradigms, principles, concepts, approaches and methods used in M&E. It covers the fundamental concepts and tools and tools for monitoring and evaluation based on the theory and the practices of project management in all sectors.
Human Resources Management
This course in Human Resource Management is key to the development of any nation. It has now been generally accepted that human resource is a major, if not most important resource in an organization.